
Project SEARCH

“I am currently in my third placement on the Project SEARCH programme at Whipps Cross Hospital. I am working as a Goods Distribution Officer in the main stores – a role that I really enjoy!

The main stores area is very large and includes a big loading bay where lorries offload their parcels. My job is to help take these goods from the stores area and deliver them to the wards across the hospital.

To transport the goods, we use large, heavy cages and trolleys so I’ve really had to build up my strength. I am walking around the hospital all day every day and going to a lot of different departments, so I wear hardwearing black trousers and strong shoes as my uniform.

During my time as a Goods Distribution Officer, I have developed many new skills. I am able to load and unload the trolleys and cages, organise PPE based on where they need to go in a department, push the trolleys and cages using the correct manual handling skills, and put items in their correct areas in the departments. I also help to make sure the stores area is kept clean and tidy to avoid hazards.

Now that I’ve been working in the distribution centre for quite a while, I feel confident in my role here. To make sure I keep challenging myself, I have set a target to use the MasterMover at least two times a week – an electric tug that we use to help us transport heavy items.

Whilst I do many tasks independently, I work alongside a great team at Whipps Cross who are always there to give me advice and support. I work hard to be a respectful, professional and flexible member of the team and I am proud that my manager trusts me to deliver items correctly and safely.

Because of the skills I have developed and positive qualities I have shown, my manager has put me forward for a month-long placement at Newham Hospital so I can help the team there. It’s going to be a huge transition, but I am excited to start working in a new environment. I am always willing to learn more and this will be a great opportunity to do so.

In the future, my goal is to work as a Goods Distribution Officer in a hospital within Barts Health NHS Trust. To get started on my job search, I have been speaking with my colleagues and managers to see if they know of any suitable opportunities. I have also been looking on the NHS Jobs website for any appropriate roles that come up.

Getting a job like this would mean a lot to me. I would be keeping busy doing something that I enjoy and helps other. I would also be able to earn my own money so I can buy my own things.

I am very proud to be a Project SEARCH intern. As well as mastering new tasks, I have made great friends with some of my fellow interns who I enjoy socialising with in my free time. My Mum also says she can see a big improvement in my confidence and that I seem very happy in myself!”