
Supported Internship Case Study

In my third rotation – as a Ward Host at Whipps Cross Hospital – I have been lucky to work with some lovely people who have been incredibly supportive to me as a I have carried out my tasks.

My final rotation has involved lots of different jobs including making tea and coffee, taking orders, serving food and washing dishes. I also prepare meal trays, check the temperature of food and plate the patients’ food so that it looks presentable. This has allowed me to develop lots of important skills which will be useful for whatever I end up doing next.

The Ward Host role has taught me valuable customer service skills as well as how to be organised and multi-task effectively. When I reflect on all the skills I have developed, I feel very proud of how much I have learnt and I’m looking forward to building on the progress I have made.

Over the past few months, I have had to work with different mentors and learn how to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances. This has taught me that I can push myself and that I’m much more capable than I think I am.

My mentors have been so full of praise for my work and positive attitude. They tell me that my work ethic is spot on and that I’ve mastered the Ward Host role. I have a wonderful relationship with them and we all really enjoy working together.  They say I’m like a ‘ray of sunshine’ on the ward! It’s so encouraging to receive such nice feedback, especially from people who have seen my confidence and independence grow throughout the placement.

It's not just my mentors who have noticed a difference in me – my mum has too. She says that I’m totally different now at home compared to before the internship and that I’m much more capable of doing things by myself, like preparing meals or completing other household tasks.

Looking to the future, I would love to get a job as a Ward Host. I feel I’m ready and I’m so grateful to Flourish Learning Trust for giving me a range of important and useful skills that will open doors for me. It’s been a brilliant experience and I can’t wait to see where my journey will take me next.